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4 Ways to Transition from First to Second Year (List)

FunnyTips and AdviceUniversity

So you’ve finished your first year at university and are currently enjoying a well deserved break from skipping all of your lectures. The fact your second year actually counts towards your degree will undeniably put some pressure on your next year at uni. However, our guide should help make your transition from first to second year as seamless as possible...

1. Research internship opportunities early

If you’re planning on applying to internships or placement years in your second year, you should start your research early. Applications open at varying times from September onwards. The process can be very time consuming so it’s best to begin planning as soon as possible. Take advantage of your summer break to sort out your CV and draft a generic cover letter. Once you’ve worked out where you want to apply you can then tailor these to individual applications. If you’re completely in the dark about internship opportunities, book an appointment with your Careers service. A one-to-one appointment in the first few weeks back at uni will make applying seem far less daunting. Your university Careers service is equipped to help you with your applications and advise you on things like assessment centres and interviews.

2. Manage your workload

If you weren’t very organised in your first year at uni, set out to remedy this in your second. Writing down all of your assignment deadlines is an easy way of keeping on top of your workload. Stick this note on your wall or pin it to your desktop so it’s in plain sight. This will help you manage your time and ensure you don’t lose unnecessary marks by missing deadlines. It’s vital to stay organised as the number of assignments you have in your second year will undoubtedly increase.

3. Prepare to move

You’ll most likely have already put a deposit down on a house or flat by now, but there are other things you may want to do before moving in. Change your default delivery addresses on your ASOS and Amazon accounts now to avoid your post ending up back at your first-year address. You should also think about things you may have forgotten to bring with you to uni in your first year. Although, definitely consider leaving behind all those hoodies you never wore. Get excited to live in a house with a dishwasher and washing machine. Also, prepare yourself for these to break on a weekly basis.

4. Research societies

For those of you who didn’t actually commit to any societies in first year due to sheer laziness, second year is the perfect time to jump back in. Your uni website will have a list of societies you can join. Use this to avoid brushing shoulders with a bunch of freshers at the Societies Fair at the start of term. You really don’t need any more pens, after all.
Ultimately, try to bear in mind that the transition from first year to second year isn’t all that difficult. You’ve already tackled your first year by moving to another city, meeting new people and starting your degree. With a positive attitude, your second year at uni will be your best year yet. Can you think of something to add to the list? If so, tweet us: @thegrbteam

About the Author: Jasmine Bascombe is a History and American Studies student at the University of Manchester.

jasmine bascombe grb author

Jasmine Bascombe is a History and American Studies student at the University of Manchester.

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