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6 Creative Ways to Stay Healthy at University

Careers AdviceStudentsTips and AdviceUniversity

As a university student myself, I understand the struggle of time management and deprioritising your health. Through an extensive trial and error process, I have found the 6 best ways to stay healthy whilst at university.


We all have it drilled into our heads that getting our 10,000 steps a day is as important as washing our hands whilst singing happy birthday, but this is easier said than done. I have never been able to sit still whilst studying, I always end up completely bored out of my mind. Creating flashcards as well as reading, for university or pleasure, can be easily done whilst walking!

What are my options?

  • Get yourself to a gym
  • Purchase/borrow a walking pad
  • Face the outside elements

 It is simple, both reading and walking also improve our long-term memory. You are going to get healthier, and smarter, and have better peripheral vision too. All whilst having fun!

2. Always Set an Earlier Alarm 

I know, I know this sounds horrible but trust me it works. How often do our evenings get disturbed, especially as a university student? A spontaneous night out, a lecture overruns or you might be too tired to do anything, which is absolutely fine, and you should never have to sacrifice these things or feel guilty for doing so. Setting your alarm slightly earlier gives you some undisturbed ‘me-time’. 

This is the time to do whatever you enjoy, for example:

  • Watching your favourite program
  • Going to the gym
  • Going for a walk, reading
  • Prepping for a seminar
  • Even playing COD...

Even by giving yourself as little as 15 minutes, you ensure you start your day as positively as you can.  

3. To Prep or Not to Prep

Picture this, you have just had a lecture and will not get home until 8 and your friends want to go out and start pre-drinks at 9. You are probably going to order food or just have some pasta or some toast, right? Prepping meals has most definitely made my life easier.

Not only will you be able to eat healthier, but it will save you so much time and money. Whether this is making yourself lunch for the next day to avoid buying lunch on campus or cooking yourself meals for the next week over the weekend, it will make your life easier.

Think of proactive ways you can save time, money, and the stress of cooking after a long day.  

4. “Go and play outside” –Mum  

Whilst at university, and in life, it is so important to stay in touch with your friends. It may feel like you do not have the time or are too tired, but incorporating your social life into your daily university routine is easier than you might think.

Go for a walk with a friend to catch up and get some fresh air, get a study buddy or a gym buddy. If you really do not have time for this, then meet them for a coffee in your break between lectures.

There is always time for friends, sometimes you just have to get creative.  

5. The Power of the Internet 

Do not have time to go to the gym? Not a problem! The number of workout-from-home videos on YouTube is endless. Step workouts, cardio, abs, dance, yoga, breathing exercises; anything you can think of. I would always recommend starting your day with yoga or Pilates, even just a 10-minute YouTube video. Or if you have a break between lectures, this is a fantastic way to increase your serotonin and make you feel good. 

6. Take Breaks 

It’s easy to get caught up in everything you want and ‘should’ do, but do not forget to take a break! It is important to let both your mind and body rest and recover. Use university as a time to learn what is important to you and how to prioritise this as well as your breaks. A well-rested brain is a happy brain!

Do not let anyone guilt you for taking time to yourself and to recharge.  

Being a student is a fantastic experience and you want to enjoy it to its full potential. Do not lose your health at university, simply just get a little bit more creative! Good health looks different to everyone, do what works best for you.  

Aimee is a Media Production student at the University of Sussex, and is currently on a placement year as recruitment resourcer and marketing assistant at GRB! Outside of work she enjoys spending time with friends, reading and travelling. 

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