Those currently studying at university may think twice about the benefits of a degree for their job hunt. However, it is important to think about a degree as not only a qualification but as a pathway to a future career, where you develop all sorts of skills. This wider skill set is exactly what helps you to get a good graduate job, since employers are looking for well-rounded candidates.
So, what type of skills are employers looking for? Well, these are the same competencies that are required for working effectively in most organisations. Academic aptitude is a necessity, but without other skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to make the most of that ability. Therefore, the key is to take part in extra-curricular activities during university to practise developing these skills, so that you become proficient by the time you start working.
Interpersonal skills are probably one of the most important things to develop. Sometimes people become so engrossed in the technical detail of their work that they forget to communicate ideas effectively to other team members. Indeed, sharing knowledge is probably the best way to solve problems, since different people have their own interesting views. Whatever your specialism, working well with your team and clients is always seen as one major indicator of your success.
Being adaptable is another key competency to have. As a new graduate, you will be expected to find answers to problems quite quickly and you need to know whom to ask and which sources to use. You will most likely be helping different teams, so you need to be flexible to fit each team's working style. Also, it is important to prioritise tasks and make sure you remain organised at all times.
Overall, you need to think of your qualifications as a stepping stone to your career, but still remember that other skills such as teamwork, being well organised and adaptable are also important. If you think carefully and put yourself in the employer's shoes, then there is no reason why you can't develop the key skills to succeed in a graduate job!