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Beware of those banana skins

We've all made excruciatingly embarrassing gaffes in our lives - mistakes that can bring us out in a cold sweat just at the memory. Among my favourite hardy annuals are congratulating a woman on the imminent arrival of a child when she's not actually pregnant, and getting thank-you letters mixed up, so that the person who sent a beautifully engraved gold fountain pen is thanked for sending a bottle of Pomagne.

Then, of course, there are the clothing oversights, of the undone flies and gaping blouse variety. Always particularly amusing on a full train carriage, I find. How much worse, then, to fall into one of these traps on the very occasion you can least afford to, namely a job interview'

Judging by the analysis of 4,000 graduate-applications made last year to the global PR agency, Lewis, these faux pas are widespread. It seems large numbers of people are turning up for interview with less forethought than before the average Royal Wedding announcement.
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