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Don't Accept a Job Without Doing This!

Graduate Jobs

We all know how easy it is to act spontaneously, to do something without thinking about the consequences of it. Believe it or not, accepting a job offer can often be one of these unpredictable, rash acts people do, despite it being such an important and life-determining action.

We all know how easy it is to act spontaneously, to do something without thinking about the consequences of it. Believe it or not, accepting a job offer can often be one of these unpredictable, rash acts people do, despite it being such an important and life-determining action. Although times are hard and getting a job is increasingly becoming more and more difficult, it is important to actually sit down and think before accepting a new position.

Make sure you actually consider the work you would have to do.

Obviously the idea of loving your job is becoming a less realistic goal in the current climate, but it's still important for you to do something you'll not only be good at but also hopefully even enjoy. If you realise that the job you've been offered is something you're going to hate, then perhaps taking the brave option and declining it will be far better for you in the long run. Remember - backing out of a job once you've accepted it is far more difficult than saying no to an offer of one, as no contracts have been signed or relationships made with other employees.

Think about where this position could lead you eventually.

Could you consider yourself following that path? If you only see a dead-end of endless stream of unhappiness before you then say no before it's too late! Life is short and - as the saying goes - you only live once ('yolo'), so make sure you're doing something that could eventually make you happy.

Make sure you've researched exactly what the job entails and what the company do.

Look up their policy and find out what things like the dress code and hours are. You don't want to turn up to work on your first day and realise that it's nothing like you thought it would be. See if the company's policy appeals to you and the atmosphere feels like somewhere you'd be happy to spend a large majority of your week.
kate samuelson grb author

Kate studied English at the University of Bristol.

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