Many students will be disappointed as the most competitive battle for university entry heats up on A-level results day. Reports suggest that 200,000 of the 660,000 students that applied will not be offered a place. Part of the reason for this is that universities will face fines if they over recruit as funding dries up. Many universities have warned that there will be fewer places, if any, offered through clearing this year.
The NUS president, Aaron Porter, said in a statement today, "With youth unemployment pushing one million, savage education funding cuts and arbitrary limits on places, the government is at risk of imposing poverty of opportunity on a generation of young people facing a very uncertain future????.
Many bright students will miss out on a university place this year, making a degree increasingly important in the graduate job market. Those that miss out should not worry as they still have many options open to them, including reapaplication, taking a gap year, applying for an internship or taking some work experience.