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Getting A Fair Deal At A Careers Fair

Careers FairsRecruitmentWork

While at university there are numerous opportunities for students to explore what area of work might pique their interests and to get their foot in the door with prospective employers.

While at university there are numerous opportunities for students to explore what area of work might pique their interests and to get their foot in the door with prospective employers. No situation provides more of these opportunities than university careers fairs, which can give you some serious food for thought (as well as free food from desperate employers - think chocolate coins and penny sweets galore!) In order to make the most of these careers fairs however, there are several preparatory steps you ought to take.

Either prior to the event or as soon as you arrive, make sure you pick up a fair guide and identify the companies which most attract your interest - using your time efficiently can be key in these time restricted events! Another step to take prior to attending the fair is to compile a list of questions which allow you to find out what you actually need to know about the companies you are approaching. Rather than ignorantly asking what does your company do? Or could I earn a lot of money?, you might want to try asking the representative at the fair what their personal experience of the company has been, whether it fulfils their employment expectations or whether the company has an accepting social as well as professional environment.

Another point to remember is that while you are at the fair, the representatives for each company will be forming an opinion of you and it is crucial to present yourself in the best possible light. Bearing this in mind, make sure to wear a genuine smile and appropriately presentable clothes - you want to project an image of an employable individual so keep accessories a la diamond nose ring and dog collar to a minimum... While at the fair it would be a wise idea to bring a few copies of your CV and a notepad and pen. Just in case employers are directly recruiting at the fair or receiving applicants in person it cannot hurt to get your CV in front of them as soon as possible, while the notebook will be crucial in helping you to retain and digest the crucial information about each company which you will want to remember for future consideration.

Career fairs can be the key to finding a graduate job - you have the chance to network and to gauge your own interest in specific employment areas. Moreover, the fairs present the perfect opportunity to refine your networking skills - you are forced into a formal conversational environment which you will have to get used to at various stages during your career path. Career fairs are a great opportunity to enhance your employability as well as find out crucial information about the industries you may be interested in entering. If you attend the fairs with the right attitude you can maximise their benefits and seriously improve your graduation prospects.

Tom B, GRB Journalist

GRB believe in the value of meeting students face to face at fairs for the simple reason we get to know and you and you get to know us a bit better! The best way to cement that relationship, with an employer you meet, is to follow up with a simple letter. Try it!

tom brada grb author

Tom studied English and Drama at The University of Bristol.

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