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How To Find an Internship

Graduate JobsInternships

It's that time of year when people begin to discuss their summer plans. If you are in final year, you are probably getting sick to death of being asked what you have lined up next year.

The reality is, time at university goes insanely speedily and you may not have had time to think about what you are going to do in the future. This is why internships are a fantastic way to use your time usefully, building potential contacts without having to commit to something you are not entirely convinced is your calling. You are on the right website if you are looking for internship listings, as the GRB website has a wealth of opportunities on its database. To enhance your internship search, you may also wish to investigate what your university careers service has to offer. Once you have compiled a list of internships that float your boat, it is time to get going on your applications. Do not rush these, however also remember the internship field is becoming as competitive as the jobs market and you do not want the employer's limited places to get filled up. Take a few days to perfect your material, and make sure you have a second and even third pair of eyes to have a proof read. Think of your internship application as like a job application. While some may have a specific application form, many will ask for a CV and covering letter as a regular job application would. This is good practice for when you begin your job hunt. If you are lucky, the company will list what qualities they are interested in finding from their potential intern. It is important you pay attention to these, so get out your highlighter and make sure you have something to demonstrate your compatibility to these requirements throughout your CV and covering letter. If the company do not have a specific internship listed, have a look to see if they have any job opportunities listed and see what skills and qualities they are looking for in their candidates. You can then translate these onto your internship application. Trawl through the website, and even try to speak to someone who works for the company, to get to grips with their ethos to the best of your ability and make sure you tick all their boxes. If you do not hear a response for a few weeks, do not give up! While no one likes to be pestered, a gentle reminder in the form of a follow up email or polite phone call inquiring as to whether your internship application has been received shows your passion and commitment. If you receive a negative response, ask for feedback to see how you can improve for your next application and request that they keep you in mind if an internship opening comes up in the future. Do not expect a vast array of positive responses. With persistence and motivation you will find your niche.
mona tabbara grb author

Mona studied English at the University of Bristol.

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