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How To Use Your CV When Completing An Application Form

Graduate JobsCVs

When completing an application form it is important to have a CV that stands out. Application forms are designed to assess the skills of potential employees, through what they say and how they say it. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are of equal importance to good grades and a range of work experience, as if your CV and application form are poorly written, no amount of A*s at GCSE will be able to save you.

There are a couple of ways in which you can best use your CV when filling out an application form. Firstly, meld your CV so it suits the job in question. To know how to do this, make sure you carefully research the organisation you are applying to, to see if they require or favour any special skills or experience. If you have aforementioned skills or experience, make sure you focus your CV on these attributed, honing in to the features which will make you favourable in the eyes of this particular company. Secondly, make sure you state relevant references for the position you are applying for. For example, if you have done lots of different work experience, only give the reference details for employers working at places most similar to where you are applying. Thirdly, when writing about your extracurricular interests, make sure you explain why and how each interest has helped you as a person in your CV. For example, 'I play lacrosse, which has taught me a great deal about team dynamics' is preferable to 'I bake a lot because I love food'. Finally, remember to print off your CV and look at it when filling out an application form, to keep it fresh in your mind, carefully check your spelling, punctuation and grammar, avoid jargon, do not repeat yourself and be concise. Good luck!
kate samuelson grb author

Kate studied English at the University of Bristol.

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