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Improving Your Employability Skills

Graduate JobsSkillsUniversity

There is a growing trend among recruiters, who are faced with an ever increasing number of applications, to look beyond technical qualifications.

There is a growing trend among recruiters, who are faced with an ever increasing number of applications, to look beyond technical qualifications. "Employability skills" or characteristics are used to highlight those candidates which can bring a little bit extra to a role on top of the traditional hard skills measured in grades and certificates.

Soft skills focus upon the importance of communication skills, attitude, time management and co-ordination. For certain personality types this can pose something of a problem in that, as is sometimes the case in group interviews, the loudest and most confident may appear more capable in comparison to their shyer counterparts.

While this may seem troubling for those of you who associate more closely with the latter, there are certain things you can do to improve your soft skills and so too your prospects. For instance, while still at university of school, clubs and societies are a perfect way to build teamwork and communication skills. And depending on the areas you feel need work, or even the requirements of the career path you wish to follow, you can specialise in terms of the clubs and groups you join.

If time management is a particular Achilles heel, why not try getting involved with Orienteering society or the Clock aficionados club (it could exist). Or how about improving your diction and articulation with a spot of debating and Amateur Dramatics?

The main point is that you can do as much or as little as you so choose in improving your "employability skills" because, ultimately, soft skills can be learned and honed in much the same way that hard skills can be worked upon across a period of time. Consider it an opportunity to develop into a more well rounded person, which also has the simultaneous effect of improving employability - it will help you keep focus and drive and stave off any fear that every part of your life is geared exclusively towards a career.

Jordan, GRB Journalist

jordan bishop grb author

Jordan studied Geography at the University of Northampton.

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