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Is Work Experience Really That Important For Graduate Jobs?

WorkWork ExperienceGraduate Jobs

Is work experience really that important? Yes it is. A recent business survey featuring over 700 university graduates revealed that 75% of these graduates found that work experience was invaluable to their degree and 95% found that it was either very valuable or valuable.

Is work experience really that important? Yes it is. A recent business survey featuring over 700 university graduates revealed that 75% of these graduates found that work experience was invaluable to their degree, and 95% found that it was either very valuable or valuable. Although the survey also revealed that generally arts students do not find that work experience is a crucial factor of their university experience, it doesn't cloud the overall message.

Now that's cleared up, why is work experience so important? First of all, it gives you the opportunity to test out a graduate career. It's common for students to be initially uncertain about what they want to do with their lives and work experience is a chance to explore different avenues. It could help confirm your interest in a field or make it apparent that you actually don't like something you thought you might be interested in. The idea of a business sector doesn't always equate to the reality of it. So it's important to make sure you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Of course work experience is also a great way to improve your employment prospects. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can get by just with excellent GCSE's, A Levels or a good grade in your University degree. The majority of candidates applying to the same positions will have these as well and so you need to set yourself apart. It's important to develop the practical skills that recruiters are looking for and demonstrate that you can exceed academically as well as in a working environment. Work experience also proves to employers that you're motivated about the sector you've chosen. If someone told you that they really wanted to go into investment banking but after 3 years at university, they had no relevant work experience, would you believe them?

It's also important to bear in mind that some, if not most employers have a preference to recruiting graduates that have completed internships with them. These candidates have already proven themselves to the organisation and so it makes their graduate recruitment process a lot easier. Ben Hayward, Graduate Recruitment Executive at cosmetics group L'Oreal said that 80% of our graduate positions are filled with previous interns.' Lastly, make sure you network extensively in any positions that you're interested in pursuing. It's often said that sometimes it's not what you know, it's who you know. It's true.

I will continue with this topic next week and suggest ways for finding work experience.

Charles, GRB Journalist

charles oben grb author

Charles studied French with International Studies at the University of Warwick

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