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Researching employers

You've got through the first screening stage and you've been selected for interview for a great job with a fantastic employer. But you know for a fact that each year, scores of graduates are chosen to attend this same interview, from which onl...

You've got through the first screening stage and you've been selected for interview for a great job with a fantastic employer. But you know for a fact that each year, scores of graduates are chosen to attend this same interview, from which only a few are taken on - so how do you ensure you're one of them? Why should you research?
Perhaps you're a graduate looking for a new job or maybe you have an interview for your first job just after leaving university. Whatever the situation, researching information on your new employer is vital during your job search and for your interview preparation. Succeeding in an interview depends on many factors such as previous experience, character, skills and ability. However, one of the most common mistakes people make prior to their interview, and also during the job search itself, is to carry out insufficient research on prospective employers. Preparation is the essential ingredient for success. Knowledge of the employer's benefits and downsides can help you determine more about an organisation and your potential place in it, and give you the opportunity to ask informed questions during your interview. No doubt, your research will show and impress the interviewer. Employment research
During your job search, the information you gather on employers will enable you to formulate views on the type of company you wish to work for. It will also help you select and eliminate certain organisations or environments that do not fit in with your career plan. Don't always apply for companies your friends are choosing or look for recruiters you think may offer the most "glamorous" careers, as the chances are thousands of other candidates have the same idea. Using available resources, you can gain a better understanding of what career potential exists with a particular employer. For example, important background information on an employer includes the types of activities carried out, the jobs that exist within it and the financial stability of the company. A structured way to approach your research is to:
  • Select the industries that need your needs
  • Locate the employers within your targeted industries
  • Research the information and find out whom to address
Interview research
Before meeting your potential employer, you'll need to be aware of the following:
  • What the company does, how it operates and who is in charge.
  • The company's financial state - are they expanding or downsizing?
  • Who are their major competitors and what skills they are looking for, such as your degree, previous experience?
  • What you can offer them?
Having a general overview about the organisation will also give you confidence during the first interview, so that you can ask relevant questions, referring to your research. Rather than asking how many employees are in the company, which you could have found out yourself, the above question implies you have taken time and effort to prepare for the interview. The interviewer will take this as a sign that you are serious about the company, your job and your future career. With modern technology such as the internet, there are no excuses for not being able to find out the relevant information on your prospective employer. Finding information
There's not much that you can't find out on the web. Most companies have a website, and if not, you can find out industry-specific information on them and their competitors. If you don't have access to the internet at home or at work or you can use your local cyber cafe. For a few pounds, you can print out information on the company website or find out contact details of related industries. Institutions and associations are also featured on the web, giving contact names and careers advise on how to get into your chosen profession. Our consultants can provide you with specific job information before you attend interviews. They will also give details of the location of the job, the skills required, experience needed, the size of the firm, website address and the salary. Depending on availability you can ask for company brochures or recruitment packs, allowing you to find out as much information as possible for your interview. Trade associations and institutes produce membership directories and journals that provide information about trends and issues in the field. Almost every type of field or industry has a trade association affiliation or dedicated institute. Use your initiative
Initiative is always a good option. Use a few clever tactics to find out the information you require. For example, during your job search make a speculative call to an employer to find out the name and title of the contact you wish to send your CV. Find out company information by popping into the reception during a lunch hour to ask for an annual report or a brochure. Use your own contacts and ask other professionals in the field to provide word-of-mouth information about organisations of interest. Another useful source is competitor information, as it often provides insight into your chosen organisation, allowing you to work out the differences between the two companies and their unique selling points (USPs). It may be useful to buy newspapers and trade journal to find out industry specific information. Most trade journals can be purchased from large news agents, or can be ordered. A general awareness of the industry press, through reading newspapers that publish major business issues relating to your industry sector, is useful background knowledge. If you make a habit of reading business news each week, you'll be surprised at how much you learn and retain, and how relevant it might be to your interview. The key to effective research of employer information lies in your preparation and targeting devices. Once you've identified the industry you want to work, and located potential employers, your next step is to research the specific people that will help you to find out more about the job or get you an interview. There are popular profiles on national businesses in local libraries and on the net, and you can use your initiative by calling them directly to ask for company information to be sent to you. Whether you are supporting your job search, or preparing for an interview, researching employer information is key.
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Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB) is the UK's highest review-rated graduate recruitment consultancy. Every day our teams of sector-specific experts get contacted by major graduate recruiters, SMEs and start-ups who are looking for high calibre university students and graduates.

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