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Students left without a university place

Clearing comes to an end on the 30th September but has already ceased two weeks early due to a shortage of university places. After A-level results day, there were nearly 190,000 students that were unable to get onto their first choices of course and after clearing took place there are still 150,000 who have missed out on going to university all together.

Clearing comes to an end on the 30th September but has already ceased two weeks early due to a shortage of university places. After A-level results day, there were nearly 190,000 students that were unable to get onto their first choices of course and after clearing took place there are still 150,000 who have missed out on going to university all together. One theory is that there is too much demand and just not enough places for the growing interest that has been generated in university in the last few years. People are seeing the benefits of having a degree and with the economic downturn; university is an appealing way of overcoming the job shortage for a few years. As the students who missed out on a university place this year reapply next year, places are set to be even more restricted and the problem is likely to accumulate. It is important for students to make sure that they have a back up plan to avoid total disappointment by applying for less competitive courses and universities and lowering their expectations by applying for universities that are looking for slightly lower grades. There are also important alternatives to university that need to be communicated to people considering university such as apprenticeships, internships and training schemes. There are different training routes like HND's and BTec, which you can take, which will also help prevent the shortage of university places getting any worse.
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Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB) is the UK's highest review-rated graduate recruitment consultancy. Every day our teams of sector-specific experts get contacted by major graduate recruiters, SMEs and start-ups who are looking for high calibre university students and graduates.

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