Spend it to make it - how to use your time wisely to get the money/career you want. Get involved, show you care, stand out and more valuable tips from our guest poster Sophie Turton...

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A quarter of a century ago I fell into the world of graduate recruitment by accident. It's a long story so let's not go there. Instead let me explain how I came to develop a passion for making...

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It is easy to get swept away by the glamour and charm of the big corporations that lavish money on sending representatives to your university in order to lure students into applying for their graduate...

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The 'hidden job market' is a key area which job seekers ought to be targeting as it is argued that 80% of available jobs are hidden, meaning they are not viewable on a company's website, job vacancy...

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There is no doubt that preparation is key when applying for graduate jobs, but so is having the right kind of attitude. Staying focused and not being too nervous is easier said than done, but it will...

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When searching for graduate jobs, you will come across a whole host of information, some of which may provide very useful hints and tips and others perhaps not. It is important to critically evaluate...

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Going through the laborious task of graduate job/scheme application processes are one thing, being able to handle your nerves on the interview day is another. Whether you are preparing for a phone...

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Working abroad can not only help you develop new skills, but will also help you stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs in the increasingly difficult graduate job market. Employers will be...

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It has emerged that University College London is planning to provide their students additional classes in a bid to help them get their careers off the ground.

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Whether out of a sense of benign purpose or sometimes just trying to bulk out their CV credentials, many undergraduates get involved in volunteering in their respective communities. Regardless of why...

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When you are applying for a job, apart from your school experience, relevant work experience and general life experience, it is likely that your potential employers are going to cast an unwavering eye...

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Amidst the flurry of school examinations, considerations of higher education, university exams and various other mentally strenuous activities, it seems to me that young people can all too easily get...

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'I do Law so I must be a lawyer'.

'I study English, so I'll definitely go into journalism or teaching'.

'I'm learning Economics, so I'll be a banker'.


Many people seem to forget that the degree...

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In this challenging climate, where jobs continue to be difficult to come by, can graduates afford to freely choose a career or should they snap up the first offer they receive? Sticking to your...

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During the recession, a scent of positivity can often be gleaned from the slightly ambiguous monthly employment statistics, which repeatedly suggest positive progress and waning unemployment...

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Some people seem to come out of the womb knowing what they want to do when they are all grown up. Others, particularly students who opt for arts degrees, are not so lucky. When I tell people I study...

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There is a lot of emphasis put by careers services on constructing the perfect CV. While your CV is undoubtedly very important for chronicling your qualifications and employment history, the bullet...

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Careers Advice

Who do you turn to for graduate job advice? Everyone or no-one? Don't get me wrong, the advice of family and friends is invaluable, yet as Natalie Rabson of Boston City Campus and Business College...

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The GRB Blog
Careers Advice

Just in case you didn't know, a podcast is a downloadable digital audio file that is most commonly used for radio talk shows and news stories but are now also a widespread form of media for many...

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The GRB Blog
Careers Advice

It may have escaped your notice but a few days ago John Hayes, Minister for Skills and Lifelong Learning announced the formation of an all-age Information, Advice and Guidance Service. This will be...

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