Everyone knows the truth: that there are far too many graduates per job position in the current economic climate. It's a sad fact that with every job you apply to, there are guaranteed to be many...
Time and time again, unsuccessful job candidates walk away from the interview stages wishing they could have given the perfect response to that particularly prying question which left them looking...
This is an odd one because I'm not a mind reader or a stalker. I don't have a clue what you've done with your CV, and I'm definitely in no position to comment about what you may or may not have...
The results of a recent student survey suggested that the two top employers of choice for graduates were Apple and Google. Now I have nothing against these highly successful brands; in fact I'm a big...
Rejection after rejection will inevitably leave some job candidates questioning the strength of their CV. In our difficult jobs market, one may feel the need to tell a few 'white lies' on one's CV to...
Phone interviews seem far less scary than regular interviews. Perhaps this is because whilst discussing your suitability for the role of a sub-editor at your local newspaper, in a phone interview you...
You've got a lot of potential. I don't know you, so that's a fairly ambitious opening gambit. But one which can be backed up with some hard and fast, generally applicable, evidence.
In order to do well in your early career it pays to be thinking ahead. As well as polishing up your CV and practicing those interview skills, it is worth considering what you willl do once you...
Amidst the flurry of headlines brazenly exclaiming the national sixth form exam results, I read a statistic which contradicted my general perception of the current graduate climate.
We all have read those magazine articles, the ones that say things like 'the five best ways to revise' or 'the top ten tips for a healthy body' and I am sure that you, like me, have questioned how...
When the subject of this week's article was suggested I must confess breathing a sigh of relief. Finally, my brain chuckled. Something we know all about. Setting aside this bizarre interior monologue...
During your search for a graduate job, you need to consider what matters most to you, whether it is the salary, office location or opportunities for international travel. Still, probably one of the...
In such close quarters as an office, it is easy and natural for the boundaries between one's personal and professional lives to cross. It is important to remember that the office is not a second home,...
Stories about competition for jobs seem to always be in the press, so you will not be surprised to hear that the graduate jobs market remains tough. Still, as a student or recent graduate, you need to...
In today's graduate jobs market where competition is fierce, standing out from other applicants has become increasingly important. It is essential to realise that you can start differentiating...
Scottish students have been known to fare better than the English when it comes to unemployment rates, with the highest rate of graduate employment in the UK (according to the Scottish Youth...
The graduate labour market is holding up well compared to the first quarter of 2012, according to university careers and employability professionals. Responding to the regular vacancy survey carried...
Looking for a job can be a daunting prospect. Fresh out of university, having been used to personal tutors and career services at your beck and call for guidance and moral support, going it alone can...
The thought of learning a foreign language may prompt nightmarish flashbacks to the dismal days of French lessons at school, however may also open doors to your shining future career.
The latest AGR Graduate Recruitment Survey report, launched last week, contained, by way of a change, more good rather than bad news. Firstly graduate level vacancies are predicted to fall by the...