"Where on earth did the last two years go?" we hear you scream. That's right guys, it's time to brace yourself for your final year of your degree. Luckily, we've been there, done that. Laura Ash,...
Ahh, the stock image... the breeding ground of unusual concepts, bad (and good) Photoshop-ing and incredibly exaggerated emotions. Sounds like the perfect place to find inspiration for your graduate...
Get a graduate job in Recruitment. Yes that's right, live on the flipside and start recruiting for the people that need jobs, the industry is set to boom!
High-street shops, department stores, cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs are all beginning their search for Christmas holiday staff. In other words, tis the season to start temping...?
Kingfisher plc, Europe's largest home improvement retailer, this week announces the arrival of its 2013 intake of the Kingfisher International Graduate Programme. We are also delighted to announce the...
Are you being selective to be successful? Do you really have the attention to detail needed when applying to jobs? So many students and graduates scatter-gun applications in the hope that they'll pull...
During your final year of University it becomes increasingly important for students to be able to effectively balance and prioritise their time. Not to mention the fact that final year is usually the...
Freshers' fairs are great. They're a good chance to see your friends, sign up to loads of societies and blag lots of freebies. Compared to your Freshers' fair, Careers fairs are boring, with far less...
Stress is a stressful state of mind. It makes you stressed, which is bad, because then you remember the reasons you became stressed in the first place and down you spiral in a never ending cycle of...
You've got a lot of potential. I don't know you, so that's a fairly ambitious opening gambit. But one which can be backed up with some hard and fast, generally applicable, evidence.
We all have read those magazine articles, the ones that say things like 'the five best ways to revise' or 'the top ten tips for a healthy body' and I am sure that you, like me, have questioned how...
During your search for a graduate job, you need to consider what matters most to you, whether it is the salary, office location or opportunities for international travel. Still, probably one of the...
Stories about competition for jobs seem to always be in the press, so you will not be surprised to hear that the graduate jobs market remains tough. Still, as a student or recent graduate, you need to...
In continuation of our recent response to The Guardian's video publication Graduate class of 2012: A 2:1 just won't cut it anymore, we feel we need to reveal a few home truths that weren't aired in...
The Guardian's recent broadcast Graduate class of 2012: A 2:1 just won't cut it anymore is just one part of an entire online series dedicated to the graduate without a future. Excuse me? Since when? I...
One of the most important points to remember about a graduate job is that it is not simply a job, but a foundation for the rest of your career. Therefore, you need to spend considerable time...
Ah, the unpaid internship: scourge of the fairness and equality in the graduate recruitment market, a manipulative abuse of desperate jobseekers in what is very much an employers' market