When searching for a graduate job, it is likely that you will have some expectations regarding salary, working hours and the type of work involved. Still, how realistic are graduates' expectations of...

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While at university there are numerous opportunities for students to explore what area of work might pique their interests and to get their foot in the door with prospective employers.

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The City has historically attracted many new graduates hoping to embark on careers ranging from Banking and Finance to PR and Law.

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A controversial new study into the effect of racial background on graduate recruitment has suggested that black graduates can expect to earn as much as 9% less than their white counterparts for the...

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We all know the facts - when applying for jobs, you must CLEAN UP YOUR ONLINE PROFILE!

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Word on the street - which is old talk for the internet - is that getting ahead in securing the best graduate jobs requires a dash of originality. And this, to you or me, equates to progressing beyond...

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I'm extremely creative, organised and highly numerate. Do you believe me? You shouldn't. Why? Because I haven't given you any reason to.

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A recent government commissioned review has warned that recruiting companies which only accept graduates who have achieved a minimum degree classification of 2:1 are running the risk of contravening...

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Work experience is a valuable way of gaining an insight into companies and seeing whether you would like to do a particular graduate job in the long-term.

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Today saw the release by AGR's winter survey - the forecast for graduate jobs in 2012 according to 214 big name recruiters.

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Yesterday's article highlighted the positive potential of social networking sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn in the hunt for a graduate job.

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LinkedIn, the business-related social networking site (basically a serious Facebook), was launched in May 2003. Since then, it has welcomed more than 120 million registered users (including graduate...

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When trying to get a job, one would assume the more difficult parts of the job-hunting process would be the online application, CV-writing, cover letter adapting and interview processes.

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First thing to note, are you ready? Here it comes! There are no secrets. Disappointed? You shouldn't have been looking for the easy way out in the first place. As they say, practice makes perfect. But...

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As the days steadily become longer and darker, and the conclusion of 2011 grows nearer and nearer, it is time to start thinking about the New Year. Not just plans for the eve of the 31st (some may...

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In the current economic climate many people are struggling to find jobs. The more time that people are unemployed, the harder it is for them to find work, so any kind of experience is beneficial....

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Unless you've been living under a rock for the past month or so I'm sure you're aware (I really hope you haven't been living under a rock) that many deadlines for excellent graduate schemes starting...

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When undergraduates start thinking of where they want to work on graduation, the chances are they will bring to mind large corporate organisations and blue-chip employers with graduate schemes. Hardly...

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The Graduate Recruitment Bureau have introduced a new, free monthly draw, where one GRB Facebook fan wins £30 Amazon voucher! By liking the Facebook page you can win any given month!

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Do you like to procrastinate? Seeing as you're reading this, and not yet either in a graduate job earning exuberant wads of cash or else scouring the website for opportunities, I'm disposed to bet on...

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