There is no doubt that applications for graduate jobs are challenging, especially due to the number of tests that need to be taken before even getting...
I recently listening to the podcast entitled 'Making it in marketing, sales, advertising and PR', where Nicolas Roope founder and creative director of...
Word on the street - which is old talk for the internet - is that getting ahead in securing the best graduate jobs requires a dash of originality. And...
Throughout your life you have been working towards some kind of qualification or end goal and so you may not have had the time to stop and think about...
The Powers That Be may not approve of any suggestions which advise in the ways of covert CV improvement, but I feel honour-bound to impart the minimal...
I read an article earlier today about the black hole that is 'The Feedback Deficit' which often haunts students like a poltergeist with too much free...
When you are looking for new initiatives to help with graduate jobs to share with your friends, it can be quite helpful when a major event is taking...