So you’ve finished your first year at university and are currently enjoying a well deserved break from skipping all of your lectures. The fact your second year actually counts towards your degree will...
It's still summer (apparently!) and for uni students that's a whole lot of time off. Of course it will fly by, and you'll have next to no money, but we thought we'd toast to the beauty of a full 3...
There are many stereotypes and fears international students face when first coming to university here in the UK. Trina Khoo, originally from Singapore, tries to dispel these myths, whilst also warning...
Three years seems like a long time. Yet, before you know it, you're walking across the graduation ceremony stage, confused and a bit lost about where all that time went. GRB blogger, Laura Ash, runs...
Our newest blogger, Kit Keane, hailing from the US, regales the eight crucial life lessons that she has learnt during first year of university at King’s College London studying PPE.
It's Mental Health Awareness Week this week; an opportune platform for brave souls to stand up and speak about their experiences, and share with others what it’s like to suffer from a type of...
Our current industrial placement student, Lewis Whitehead from the University of Brighton, reflects on the last six months of his placement at GRB. From recruitment, to marketing, to finding his...
Freshers is looming, or may have even begun at your new university. In that vein, it's time to run through some essential don'ts for that all important first week...
Our summer intern, Rob, has divulged some excellent - and realistic - new term resolutions that everybody should be able to stick to. How many can you keep up until Christmas?
Going into third year? It's less than 2 months until you start your new term, and it's not exactly a Mediterranean climate in the UK, so what else is there to do? Here are 6 easy tips for planning...
We've heard about older generations and their preferences, but what about the young? With 94% registered to vote, could students hold the key to the EU referendum?
It's not the single market that we're interested in, we need to know how the proposed 'brexit' from the EU will affect students and higher education...
Looking for an exciting graduate position? Don't miss the ONLY national graduate recruitment fair in London this Spring - and it's on Wednesday! Pre-register now...
High Fliers have recently released their 2016 annual Graduate Market Report, so we've taken the opportunity to reflect on their 2006 report. So what's changed in a decade of graduate recruitment?...
We wrote a blog for WhatUni in order to provide students an essential guide on living and studying in Brighton. If you want the low-down on the clubs, pubs and food, read on for our top 10 things to...
Are you currently considering studying a master's degree? Are you worried about cost versus the value of having an extra qualification? Well, here are 5 reasons to put your mind at ease...
These are some of the most oddball, but ingenious societies around. Imagine the stories you could tell in an interview after spending your spare time volunteering as a Quidditch coach, or the...
It's never too early to start thinking about your future. On Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st, all 10 University of Manchester campuses unite for their reputable Careers Fair. This is not one you can...