Hungry? Aching for food outside of the box? Well this article is only going to make things worse. We've compiled the 10 best lunch spots in Brighton for your perusal. Disclaimer: please eat...
Unsure of what to do next, or where to even start your job search? "What career is right for me?" we hear you cry! Our newest blogger, Ashley Faith Fontaine, runs through 5 steps to figure out what...
Do you want to become more employable and noticeable? Do you feel ready to engage in the professional world and launch your career? Then look no further, as we take you through our step-by-step guide...
Our final intern of the summer, Russell, a Politics student at York, gives us an exciting insight into what the workplace would be like if it were full of current politicians. Which office...
Soon to start your first job? Keen to become more productive at work? Read on to find out how to save up to 8 days a year with these essential computer tips...
You might have heard through the grapevine that standing desks are the way forward. Over the last few years, people have tried them, praised them, condemned them and destroyed them - but what's the...
Do you often find yourself stuck in the post-lunch slump, desperate to get some work done? Do you often feel defeated after a long day in the library or at the office? We have the answer - and it only...
Snacking in the office is almost obligatory. With at least 8 hours spent in the same room, sat in the same chair, and staring at your computer, it's only natural that your brain hankers for a...
Sure, you may never use your phone for actual calls, but if you are applying for a job, you will need to be able to communicate effectively. This trusty guide tells all...
Recently graduated? Starting a new office job, but have no idea what to bring with you? Rest assured, we at Graduate Recruitment Bureau have got you covered (i.e. we learnt the hard way, so you don't...
Have you heard of the Graduate Recruiters Network? Set up by GRB in January 2009 we have over 1,300 graduate recruitment professionals who discuss topics that matter to their role via an online forum...
Are you about to join the world of work? Or perhaps just starting a new job? Either way, it's crucial that you start as you mean to go on, so don't let being the newbie stop you...
Ready to feel old and amazed after reading just one article? We've gathered some of the most successful young entrepreneurs - and we mean young - so you can regret spending all that time playing The...
As a self-professed grammar pedant, Lizzi Hart discusses her pet hate for basic grammar and spelling mistakes. Funnily enough you may not share the same passion, but with all the written aspects of...
Getting a job is easy - said no Graduate, ever. And it's not. Hours of your time go into researching and applying for jobs, so to ensure your best chances of success, you need to stop ignoring this...
Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB), the UK's leading independent graduate recruitment consultancy with 50 staff based in London and Brighton has been awarded the Investors in People Standard,...