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The Top 5 CV Faux Pas of 2015

CVsGraduate JobsTips and Advice

With a new year soon upon us, it's worth looking back at the top 5 CV faux pas of 2015 so we don't make the same mistakes next year...

Are you still hunting for your first graduate role? Or are you gearing up for the imminent job search before you graduate next summer? Either way, it's nearly Christmas which can only mean one thing: it's time to check over your CV.

1. Not including a phone number

YOU ARE NOT A SECRET AGENT. You do not need to conceal your phone number from potential employers or recruiters. Yes, cold-calls are annoying, but including your number on your CV is not the reason your details are in the hands of PPI companies. Your details are everywhere for those who have time to look, but if your phone number is missing from your CV/job application, trust us, the employer won't go hunting for it.

2. Too many clichés/phrases stolen from the internet

Granted, everyone will use a few clichés, but when you go completely overboard and sound like you're regurgitating every CV advice page you've ever read, it could be an instant NO. Just stop. Check out our stellar advice on 25 Buzzwords You Need To Delete From Your CV and consider which phrases are essential (what's mentioned in the job description) and which are just gathering dust (generic adjectives such as 'talented' or 'passionate').

3. Selfies

Just no. Selfies should be reserved for social media, and maybe your parents' mantelpiece... but not your CV! You might be proud of your newly discovered filter, edgy border (see what we did there?), or unique cropping technique, but recruiters and employers will instantly be put off. It's probably wise to leave off a photo completely. Your qualifications, relevant work experience and communication skills can get you a job; a picture of your face (and arm) could actually damage your chances.

4. Not tailoring your CV (and cover letter) to each job

If this point confuses you, then you are one of the many culprits from this year. If you want your application to be taken seriously, you need to show your interest in a particular role; the employer wants to feel like your only one, and not just another company on a long list. Tailoring may come in the form of tweaking your personal profile, mentioning different relevant modules you took at university, or only including specific work experience. There's no point mentioning the 76% you got in your Art History elective if you're applying to an investment bank, or your amazing babysitting abilities for a Marketing role.

5. Emojis, slang and cringey quotes? Srsly?

Are you actually kidding? Unless you're applying for a super creative role and the CEO is your mum, why would you ever use an emoji on your CV? You might as well just Whatsapp the hiring manager: 'need a job, plz help xoxox'. Alongside this point, coming across as too 'casual' by using slang/colloquial terms will almost definitely hurt your chances of employment. And yes, people actually include cringey quotes on their CV. Please don't follow suit.
lizzi hart grb author

Lizzi Hart is the Social Media & Content Manager at the Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB). Outside of work, she enjoys reading, music, binge-watching TV and dreaming about the dog she'll one day own.

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