<br/>Roll up! Roll up! The Competition is now open for the University Stroop Brain Training Challenge 2013!
<br/>With a £50 Amazon Voucher up for grabs for the first place prize, not to mention crowning the university with the highest scores as the 'Brainiest University'; it's definitely worth giving it a try. The competition opened at 9am on Wednesday 9th January and will be closing at 12pm on Friday 11th January so those who haven't yet 'entered the ring' your time starts now.<br/>What is the Stroop Brain Training Test?
<br/>The Stroop Test is a simple game testing a player's reactions and attention to detail. The word which appears on the screen is written in a different colour to what it spells and the correct answers are those telling the colour in which the word is written. Contestants are then timed and the top scores enter the score board.
<br/>Prize is up for grabs so take part this week and win big!