Work experience, a good degree and a sparkling CV are no longer cutting the mustard for graduates attempting to find jobs.We live in a world in which our social lives revolve around Facebook and Twitter, so why not get social networking sites to help us find employment too?
Gone are the days of bussing it to the job centre and snail mailing CVs across the country.Social networking sites have the advantage of helping to connect you to a huge cross section of people, and speedily.
Jobvite, an American recruitment agency, recently did some research revealing the importance of online social networking to getting yourself on the career ladder:1 in 6 workers use social media to get hired.90% of job seekers have a profile on a social media site.54% of all job hunters use Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin to find jobs. A whopping 18.4 million Americans say Facebook got them their current jobs and 8 million used Twitter.
These statistics should not put you off following more traditional methods of job hunting.In the increasingly competitive jobs market, it is important to utilise as many different means as possible to find work. The ease of simply logging in to your Facebook account to find a job may be appealing, however not all jobs are advertised on social networking sites.While you can strike gold on Facebook and Twitter, by limiting yourself to this course of action you may be missing out on some of the benefits of other job hunting routes.The personalised advice offered by the Graduate Recuirtment Bureau insures you find the job best suited to you.You can speak to a real person about work vacancies, as opposed to communicating solely through a key board.
Cyber space has a lot to offer, so make sure you make the most of ALL of it!
You have to try everything to find a job right now. So who has found a job directly as a result of social media?