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Hear how one of the fastest growing tech companies in the US needed to recruit STEM graduates for their UK office.

What was your business challenge/need at the time that required a new hire?

The challenge was twofold. Firstly, we had three entry level technology-focused openings, with several graduates needed across the three vacancies which needed filling by graduates with specific STEM degrees. Secondly, we needed candidates who were willing to either relocate to the Midlands or were already able to commute to the office three days per week.  

Why were you looking for a graduate?

We like to hire fresh grads and upskill them and grow our company from within as much as we can.

Why did you decide on GRB against other options?

When you place an ad for an entry level opening it is inevitable you get bombarded with tons of applicants.  There are so many applicants that are, for the most part, exactly the same ‘on paper’ (almost no relevant real-life experience in the field they are studying, etc.) so the only way to ascertain who is a good fit and who isn’t, is to speak with all of them.  We don’t have the ability to dedicate that much resource to that, so GRB works great for us because all they do is talk to graduates all day.  

"Polite, prompt, professional and poignant."

What services did GRB provide you with?

We worked with James who is an expert in recruiting for entry level roles in our sector. He and his team introduced the following candidate numbers through the process across the three roles. As you can see, these figures gave us not only a brilliant choice of candidates but also the conversion to interview and then hire was very impressive. It saved us a lot of time due to GRB's efficient process and quality.

Results: 79 CVs, resulted in 54 interviews and 11 hires.

How did you find the service?

Polite, prompt, professional and poignant.

What has been the outcome and how have the graduates made a difference?

The outcome has been great!  We’ve had many people that started with us as grads and are already senior leaders.  We’ve also shared GRBs service across the business as they are multi sector and can also supply experienced IT candidates too.

Why Use GRB Recruitment

Why Use GRB?

What is your recruitment challenge? Chances are we have done something similar before so you are in good hands.

Markets GRB Recruit For

Markets We Recruit For

We have a large team of fully trained consultants based in our Brighton and London offices who manage recruitment projects for various market sectors.

GRB Student and Graduate Marketing

Student and Graduate Marketing

There are endless channels to reach this market, and through pure experience, we know the most effective.

GRB Talent Pool Data

GRB Talent Pool Data

We pride ourselves on our data, benchmarking it against HESA stats to give us confident marketing insight.