The Local Government graduate scheme

Competition is fierce so you'll need a 2.1 or higher, good soft skills, resourcefulness and motivation.

A local government career is ideal if you want to change people's daily lives and give something back to your community. While recruiters will appreciate this desire, it won't guarantee you a job: you will need good soft skills for any position. Some of the most important ones are:

- Communication and presentation skills so you can write reports and keep the public informed.
- Teamwork so you can work effectively with a group of colleagues.
- Time management and organisation so you can get your work done!
- Financial management so you can deliver services on a tight budget and account for the way money is spent, because council spending is held up to public scrutiny.

Many jobs are open to graduates from any degree background but some require specialist knowledge. For example, jobs in social care require a related degree, while certain positions in the building sector will need a construction qualification.

Featured Graduate Recruiters:

  • Ark Teacher Training Logo