Penguin was created in 1935 by Allen Lane, who was disenchanted at the difficulty for ordinary people to get their hands on works of fiction. The company's aim was, and is, to make contemporary literature available in good quality paperback editions at affordable prices. For the last 70 years, Penguin has grown into one a leading publishing company, publishing a range of classic and contemporary, and even controversial novels by a range of authors. Penguin is also dedicated to using the greenest methods possible.

The Penguin graduate scheme

Rather than running a graduate scheme, Penguin encourages graduates to apply to any entry-level vacancy as advertised on the website. Penguin does offer internships. Successful applicants will reap the benefit of the company's experienced personnel in developing their own skills in all areas applicable to the job they apply to. Apt graduates can expect good promotion prospects in a company that rewards innovative thinkers who will help the industry progress in the shadow of technological advances.

Roles Available:
Production Control
Rights and Operations

What You Need:
Graduates need an interest in books and literature. They should be enthusiastic, with good problem solving and analytical skills, creative and innovative and have good personal communication skills in all areas.

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