Thank you for applying! Here's what happens next...

Your CV and profile information will be reviewed carefully by one of our experts for this role. Due to the high number of responses we attract if you do not hear from GRB within four weeks then your application is unsuccessful. We will however keep your details on our database and contact you when something more suitable comes in. If you are successfully selected for a role you can expect the following below.

Is your profile 100% complete?

Stages of the process


From application to hiring decision, our hire process can take up to 3 weeks. Because the timing can be unpredictable, when an expert contacts you please let them know about any factors affecting your availability. Candidates who get to the interview stage will be notified if the position is filled by another applicant.

Preliminary screening

A designated expert reviews the qualifications of all candidates seeking consideration for a position and selects their CV for the next stage. GRB selects the candidates to be telephone interviewed.

Telephone interview

To help align your interests with our opportunities, a GRB expert will call you to ask for additional information, such as depth of technical/professional knowledge, availability for interviews, interest in relocation, salary expectations, etc.

CV to employer

At this stage your CV will be emailed to the recruiter. We will chase for feedback and contact you if you have been selected for interview.


Before your visit, we will email you an information pack, which will include detailed directions and interview tips. When you arrive for your interview you will need to report to reception and wait instructions. Different companies have different practices, but you can expect to have a meeting with one or two interviewers. You will have the chance to share your detailed qualifications and learn more about the recruiter. In some cases, you may be asked in advance to prepare and deliver a brief presentation. Sometimes you may be asked for additional interviews before a final decision has been made.

Background checks

If you are being considered for a job offer, the recruiter will conduct a background check that covers your employment history, references, educational qualifications, etc. (When you applied, we asked you to sign a form authorising this check.) If no adverse information is reported during the check - which typically takes three to five days - they will proceed to make an offer.


If you're selected for the position and the background check is satisfactory, GRB will convey a formal offer. The offer package will include starting salary and a summary of benefits. Normally we would expect your decision within 1-2 days.

Hire and orientation

After you accept the offer, we will discuss and determine your start date. You will then be automatically unsubscribed from our CV database. We do not help candidates find other work once placed with a client.

We will send you a New Job Success Kit which offers useful advice for this exciting and anxious time for you. New employees generally start on Mondays but this may vary between employers. We expect you to attend on the date agreed. If for any reason there is a change in your circumstances please notify us and we can contact the employer to make arrangements if possible.


We ask for feedback on our service and welcome comments and suggestions on any area we can improve our service. We may also conduct other research with you from time to time.

We look forward to helping you in your job hunting!

The GRB team